
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back At It…

It’s been a long time since my last post. A really, really long time.

Sometime late this winter, I found myself feeling unmotivated, even uninspired, to write…and so I didn’t. I would hate for an outlet that has provided an opportunity for processing, self-reflection, honesty, and support from so many to become forced and false. There is a natural waxing and waning of energy and mood, it seems the same holds true in my writing…and while late winter and spring provided many moments of adventure in my everyday life, and also adventures and trips less common, I encountered moments that lacked focus or direction. In the purely physical sense, there were moments in which I found my jeans were getting tighter, my arms less defined, my progress plateaued – and I wasn’t all that sure I cared sometimes. I suspect my internal well-being followed much of the same up and down contour. I also suspect much of this is normal for any given person at any given point in life.

In a more ideal world, the waning of energy and intensity would be something I could better coordinate with respite and recuperation, and while I found instances of this, sometimes it was more by chance than intent…apparently, this is a skill in my repertoire that continues to be under development, but I suppose that’s exactly what my adventures are about: creating the person I want to be and the life I want to live.

And so, as I continue to create, I focus on the positive and fun challenges and changes ahead and simultaneously find myself seeking routines of comfort, long-standing habits that I fell away from, either by choice or out of convenience, but which have served me well before in being the person I want to be and in creating the life I want for myself.

I'm looking forward to the adventures Summer 2013 holds and I'm looking forward to sharing it with the people that have been there through the adventures of the last year once again!

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